Monday, July 19, 2010

Primming Again!!

This past weekend I began a project that I have wanted to do for 5 years.....primming up my kitchen cupboards. They were a lovely oak and I have painted over them a warm and rich looking ebony color. My kitchen will not just be a kitchen but a comfortable gathering place for friends & family alike! My tile that is painted white is being covered shortly with a copper wall covering. I ordered (on Ebay of course) some bin handles and matching knobs!!! I can't wait to cook my first meal in my new kitchen. I will be posting pics soon. I would love to see pictures from others of changes you have made to make your home more primitive looking!!
Well, off to put filler in some extra holes I have.....Blessings until next time

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Justin is our farm boy through and through!!! He loves helping his dad steer the tractor. As a baby Ron would take him in his car seat and he would be lulled to sleep!! He is very curious and a deep thinker. His questions often amaze us! Jadah has little fear when it comes to handling the livestock. This is Henrietta in the picture and is our one and only chicken who believe it or not lays us an egg daily and had done so all winter. Last summer we had 9 other chickens who would pick on Henrietta and we almost lost her. We put her in the barn and nursed her back to health so I guess this is her way of rewarding us. Now she has the run of the farm!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another potbelly moment

This is our miniature pot belly pig Callioppe!!!! She is just over a year old now and maybe 20 lbs!! She lived in our home the first year of her life and has been now enjoying the outdoors. I have warned my husband though that come winter if a perfect little home isn't made for her in the barn she will be given accomodations here!!
We had a kids portrait party done here on our farm in July. Wendy an amazing photographer and Heidi thought it would be cute to take a picture of our piggy friend!!! Turns out she is just adorable!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pot Belly Moments

It was an interesting day at the Farm to say
the least!!! This weeks weather has been incredibly warm and my animal
friends thought so too!!! I was walking outside and about to enter our
home when I discovered quite a site in my kids pool. There was my pot
belly pig Chloe laying in the water. Most people might "freak" but I ran
into the house as quick as I could to retrieve my camera. Chloe started to
get up and I thought I was about to miss my chance but to my surprise and utter
delight she looked at me and rolled over in the water again as if to say "NOW
this IS the LIFe""""I love it!!! It is NEVER dull April Fools
day a friend of ours put a sign at the end of our driveway saying "Funny
Farm!" It sure was today, Blessings friends

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Words of Wisdom

I lay my Past at YoUr feet & I aM WalkIng away
FrOm it

I lay thIs Day at YOur Feet, LiVinG it in YoUr

I lAy my FuTurE at YouR feeT & I'm GoiNg to FollOw
You ThrOuGh it!!!!

Rustic Blessings

I absolutely LOVE primitives. The more the better was my mantra!! house was getting a little too full and the dusting is a full time job so three years ago I decided to start my own business here on our farm. I wanted to have a business I loved and items I could sell all while staying true to myself. This is where Rustic Blessings was born. It is a little shop in the small town of South River. We are about 8 km from town on Eagle Lake Road!! Last year I expanded and built a second shop so I could of course buy MORE prims......
We are open Monday thru Friday from 10-4 pm and Saturday from 11-2 pm. Just call or take a chance and come by off hours and I am more than happy to accomodate my prim friends!!!!

My husband Ron also works from our home running a sawmill, plowing snow in the winter, making Maple Syrup in the Spring (which is also sold in our shop), haying and owns and operates a beef farm. He is my inspiration every day and the reason I took a chance and started my own shop here. We sell all your prim needs and if its not here I will try to order it in for you; gifts, decor, old fashioned pop and goodies, maple syrup of course, maple goodies and much more!!!

The shop has been busy today which makes my prim little heart sing!!! Well, off to work on some fair projects with the kiddies. Until next time......

a FarMErs WiFe PerSpeCtiVe

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By joeyrich4

A Farmer Wifes Perspective

A fArmEr WiFes PersPecTive
I have been a Farmers Wife for 12 years now and it is the most unbelievable honor out there!!! As a little girl I grew up with a pet bunny.......WELL.....that has changed considerably!!! My husband raises Limo cross Beef Cattle BUT when he married ME I had other ideas for us!!! I have said from the start of our marriage that a Farm is NOT a FARm without farm animals...SSSSSSS!! We started off with a Beagle Puppy named Moses, then we added a couple of kittens, then I discovered Pygmy Goats. They were adorable,,,small, cute and fun little devils!! Anyone who is thinking about buying a goat just remember it does not matter how well built your fence is they will outsmart you. Their goat motto is "Where there is a Will there IS a Way!!" However I wouldn't have it any other way. Every Spring there is new little baby born here or we get an extra special surprise like we did this year....TWINS. This year we had Dottie and Dash born from mom Tinker Bell and dad Mikey. Well, I don't want to give everything away on my first day blogging so until next time, Blessings to you and yours!!! Meredith